Sunday, March 13, 2011


London Square and a doubt ....

thought I did not post anything today, (I have little new progress or completed projects) but I have some photos I made fast to the block also to show it yesterday and I wanted to ask ...

This morning I turned on the computer about 10 am and to visit a colleague who had my blog post on the right hand, I saw that she appeared with the message "Three hours ago "...
three hours ago ... (would be about 7 in the morning) I was ... sleeping!
had been updated just ...

As I
commented to friends that I have been advised by letter (thank you!), I have not touched any of the blog, or drafts, or have edited entries or anything ....

Well ... if any of you know what could have happened to a lot appreciate the help and so, if I can avoid a repeat, do it.
I happened to have you time?

Finally, the block every week Civil War Quilts usually accompanied by other goodies. .. but do not let single question in the post ... This new block is called London Square and you can see how it's done here , addition to reading his story.

A big big kiss y. .. HAPPY SUNDAY!



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