Tuesday, March 8, 2011

When I Come Off Diazepam When Can I Drink

Quilts, quilts, quilts ...

Normally takes me a little choice of words to begin an entry, sometimes more than others, but this time I will be more than easy .. .

THANKS Thank you for every greeting, every post, every comment, every word full of love that I have spent ...

has been a very special birthday, BIG, with surprises from the days leading up to the date ... (more girls can not ask!)

of heart ... THANK YOU!

And after my most sincere gratitude I tell you some things. ..

I think this year I have started embarking on many new projects that do not know if I'll finish later this year, some of them surely take me to see them completed, consist of a large number of blocks but I do not care ... instead ... I love it, bit by bit, right?

And in the case of the three which I speak ...
As stated by the title are three quilts ... I'm starting, some of them, just cut squares ... and I wanted them to teach.

The first quilt (and I've been a little more advanced of the three) is made with Collection Maison de Garance .
A pair of roll and a few meters to backgrounds and borders.

is a collection that we liked from the moment we discovered (I speak in plural because many of you have seen the wonder of quilt Silvia has done) and we got to it right away ...
In my case a few days ago not rescued from the basket ...

And if this collection is compounded by the fact that had long been wanting to me a classic quilt using only the Dresden Plate ...
because we already have, I'm in the process of a large quilt (by the measures I will comment will be bigger) utilza this collection and as a single block Dresden Plate ...

can be a bit repetitive, but as often happens, the fact make a lot of equal parts, as is the case of " petals" of the dishes, instead of just being bored ... addictive!
(not always the case, but in this case is being ...) but I I imagine that is how many of you who are working with hexagons, right?

You start cutting pieces in red ... and think " when done the red, stop ...." and you're cutting the brown ...

Well that same thing happened ....

With the rule does not take anything (I have not agreed to make little picture) and I ended up with the first Jelly ...
A looks like a piece of cake?

And then, with the technique that you see on this tutorial , sew each petal, turn, and we have the parts ready to join ...

The grouped by range and then form the Dresden in a partner as possible, balancing the colors that make each dish .. .

Each block will consist of 20 petals 5 "each (the width so you da Jelly and rule).
And we need to cut funding for the Dresden then apply them.
My background blocks measure 14 "by 14", and sand-colored solid.

Well, we already have in place a new quilt!

And I show below, although very few days ago I've also begun, the webs are with me for months ... almost seven to be exact, as were those that I bought from Françoise Aubert in my visit to Chateau .

I bought a kit (I told you that selected pieces of material together tooodas which was in his shop) to make a beautiful quilt, simple, keeping the same design block and changing the pattern of fabrics, always with the same background and color common denominator ....

do not know when or how it will be finished, but I only remember the good times every scrap ... will be one of my favorites!

And finally .... third quilt ...

A red fabric ...

vanilla and beige ...

blue and brown ...

All Homefront Collection of Barbara Brackman.
For a project that I told you that I loved on sight in the blog of Carmen Maria; Work in the attic.

A Civil War designed by the Belgian Guute .
When I saw the quilt of Carmen Maria, I searched the blog of designer each pattern, and the next task was to find fabrics.

The theme of the fabrics was not easy, because this collection is nearly exhausted, and with the help Carmen M. invaluable and looking very closely at each ingot and Silvia on the other side of the phone dictating between the two references and addresses of stores ... locate all we need.

The fabrics are displayed on the same pattern Guute offered a year ago on his blog, some and had (with them I have been doing some of the Civil War Quilt blocks) but not in amounts that were required to complete this quilt ...

Well, I have some Telitas cut for the first stars ...

Three newly initiated projects, and one that every Saturday moves to a new block ...

this week .... Lincoln 's Platform

A big big kiss and again ... THANKS! That
Have a happy day!


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